This credit card allows you to earn Go Far Rewards points that can be easily applied to your account for cash back. Each point is essentially worth 1% in cash back, and there are multiple categories that provide triple the points (3% cash back).
The Wells Fargo Propel offers the following:
3% cash back on eating out and dining in. This category covers all food and drinks!
3% cash back on gas, rideshares, and transit. This category basically covers all transportation options except for taxis! Let’s be honest though. If you’re in a city that has Uber or Lyft, you’re likely not using taxi services much.
3% cash back on flights, hotels, homestays, and car rentals. This category covers the majority of your travel expenses. You can book your travel through any method you like!
3% cash back on streaming services. This category covers most popular streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify.
1% cash back on everything else. No explanation needed!
The best part about the bonus categories is that there are no limits! You can spend as much as you want in each category and still get the 3X bonus.